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As you get older, you feel your body’s function deteriorate.Thus, the average life expectancy of people is increasing, and the number of people who pay special attention to their health is increasing so that they can live comfortably in old age. However, unlike other areas, if the function of the eyeball deteriorates, the inconvenience will appear immediately in daily life, so you need to be more careful.In particular, even if you take good care of your eyes, aging is inevitable as you get older, so it is possible for anyone to experience various senile eye diseases and lose their eyesight. Since the eyes are always open except when sleeping, it is vulnerable to eye disease if fatigue accumulates due to frequent use.

A typical change in the eyeball caused by aging is presbyopia.It makes it difficult to see objects nearby, and without presbyopia, you can’t read the letters in the newspaper properly, blurry like fog hanging in front of you, and you can feel inconvenient enough to make normal daily life difficult.These symptoms can occur as early as the mid-40s, and presbyopia is common among people who are a little older, so most people do not manage them.

However, it is not desirable to think that the reason why you can’t see clearly is simply because of presbyopia.

Because there is a cause for all symptoms, it is only when the cause of vision loss is accurately found and proper management is started to prevent the symptoms from getting worse. In particular, the cause of these vision loss problems is glaucoma and cataract symptoms, but if left unattended, vision loss can occur forever. Therefore, it is better to treat the symptoms before the problem gets worse and prevent the situation from getting worse. Furthermore, since the symptoms of cataracts are indistinguishable from the initial symptoms of presbyopia, you should be examined without missing any minor changes.

Cataract symptoms are when turbidity occurs inside the lens, which helps the image of the object to be accurately connected to the retina.If the lens becomes cloudy, the image may not be able to penetrate properly and may appear foggy in front of it, and in severe cases the image may not be tied together and may appear overlapping.Although presbyopia is similar to cataract symptoms in that the image is not clearly visible, it is important to know that the cause of the problem is completely different.

As the normal lens ages, presbyopia is a symptom caused by the deterioration of the muscle function that regulates the thickness of the lens, and unlike cataracts, it does not cause loss of vision.However, after problems with both cataracts and presbyopia occur, the field of vision becomes blurry as if the surrounding area were fogged, and the main problem is that multiple images overlap and cannot be easily distinguished.Although it is not yet clear exactly why cataracts occur, it is known that diseases such as genetic factors, glaucoma and diabetes increase the risk of developing the symptoms.

Cataracts caused by lens opacity can be controlled by using different treatment methods for each stage.In the early stages, when the symptoms are not severe, only drugs can prevent the progression from worsening, but drug treatment cannot eliminate fundamental turbidity, so it only plays a role in delaying the problem from getting worse.Therefore, in order to eliminate the turbidity of the lens, it is desirable to insert an artificial lens into the guide and proceed with the surgery to ensure bright and clear field of view again.The advantage is that if you carefully grasp the condition of the eyeball and replace it with an appropriate lens, you can correct not only the turbidity of the lens but also the symptoms of presbyopia at the same time.

In our hospital, we will help you by performing an artificial lens insertion to manage the symptoms of cataracts.Depending on which lens you replace, your eyesight will change after surgery, so it is important to choose the right product.In the case of an artificial lens, it can be divided into single focus and multifocal lens according to the correctable number of focal points.Monofocal lenses can only be corrected at short distances, but multifocal lenses can be corrected at various distances. Among them, we perform surgery to correct short and long distances as well as intermediate distances through premium lenses.

However, in order to select the appropriate lens and complete the operation successfully, it is important to carefully examine the patient’s eyeballs with precision diagnostic equipment to make an accurate plan, and to complete the operation with less errors.First of all, in order to understand the condition of the patients who came to our hospital, we are conducting 81 kinds of precision eye examinations, and we are planning to produce the best results through deep data screening.

During the operation, femtolaser and centurion equipment are utilized to minimize damage to normal internal tissue and to help replace the lens safely.The satisfaction after cataract treatment is also quite high as accurate plans are made through comparative analysis with more than 10,000 different clinical data and precise surgery is carried out accordingly.Cataract symptoms are typical senile eye diseases that can significantly reduce the quality of life, and further deterioration can be prevented only by treating them quickly after discovery.If you find a medical institution that can perform a safe operation using precise equipment and start treatment, you will be able to maintain a peaceful daily life like before, so please get a detailed diagnosis to find the cause of the problem. 50m NAVER Corp. More / OpenStreetMap Map Data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Map Controller Legend Real Estate Street Town, Myeon, Simultaneous, County, District, CountryGangnam ID Ophthalmology Clinic Reservation on 3rd floor of Ara Tower, 77-gil Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, SeoulGangnam ID Ophthalmology Clinic Reservation on 3rd floor of Ara Tower, 77-gil Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, SeoulGangnam ID Ophthalmology Clinic Reservation on 3rd floor of Ara Tower, 77-gil Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, SeoulPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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