Hello! I’m Ahn Ji-hye from the study design team at the education center^^
In a recent article, I saw the news that the Busan Social Welfare Association gave 10 million won to the victims of wildfires on the East Sea coast.Also, in Busan’s Kagejima district, we will provide treatment improvement expenses for social workers under 3 years!Now that I remember it, I’m living in Busan. I’m going to write a letter about how to prepare a certificate for those who are looking for a job as a social worker.Let’s get ready to get a job as a social worker!
A social worker is an expert with a social worker certificate issued by the Minister of Health and Welfare who is responsible for the development, operation and guidance of facility residents, protection, consultation, and sponsorship of all welfare targets.
The main places of employment for social workers include community welfare services, child welfare institutions, senior and disabled welfare institutions and schools, correctional facilities under the Ministry of Justice, and the military.^^
In order to get a job in a place like this, you must prepare a social worker’s certificate!The certificate of social worker is divided into Grade 2 → Grade 1. You have to take the national examination for Grade 1, but you can only prepare after taking Grade 2 first.^^Regardless of your major, you can take the second-degree social worker certificate without a separate examination if you take 17 subjects related to social welfare and academic background above junior college graduation.Even if you don’t listen to it at university, you can prepare a social worker certificate through an online university system that is recognized as the same.You can do 17 online classes and 1 offline practice course.Most online classes include all classes, exams, and assignment submissions.You can also take classes on your cell phone using a computer at home.^^ So you can take enough courses even if you spend a lot of time outside.The offline practice should be taught at the university and completed 160 hours at the welfare institution (through weekday/weekend time adjustment). The practice institution should be approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.:)I explained the certificate study course for social worker employment with Busan social worker as an example, but it applies to all people regardless of region.^^The reason for this is that it will be held online as explained above!# I want to prepare a national certificate, #employment certificate, but I hope it will be a great courage for those who are worried that it might be too difficult. (laughs)It’s not that difficult in my experience, and most importantly, I don’t do it alone!I’m with the person in charge, so it’s easier and safer to proceed with the instructions that fit the ~! step.^^Those who read this article can also prepare social workers!Please feel free to contact us by clicking on the business card below if you need to consult with us!Please feel free to contact us by clicking on the business card below if you need to consult with us!Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image